About Our Logo |
Our company logo is based on a crop circle I saw a few years ago in South Wales (see arial shot [here]). The configuration shows how our 3 passions intersect: enabling internet technologies, life-long learning, and the Deming management philosophy. Virtually every pursuit of Breakthrough Systems is based on these.
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What We Do: |
Teaching online classes since 1993 and on ground classes since 1980
Courses and topics taught
NB: In most cases, subjects taught are backed up with direct and relevant work experience.
- Human Factors Engineering
- Human Resource Information Systems
- Evaluation and Outcomes in Health Care Delivery
- Business
- Creavity, Ideation, and Innovation
- Critical Thinking Skills
- Effective Interpersonal Communication
- Effective Business Communications
- Effective Presentations
- Effective Supervision
- Introduction to Business
- Introduction to Microeconomics
- Lean Applications in Service
- Optimizing Systems Performamance
- Project Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Technical Writing
- Engineering
- Ergonomics
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Technical courses recently developed for online delivery
- Industrial Math
- Preventative Maintenance
- Working with Metals
- Industrial Physics
- Machine Elements
- Principles of Electricity
- PLC Fundamentals
- Hydraulics Introduction
- Pneumatics Introduction
- Human Resources
- Basic Electronics
- Effective Job Searches
- Effective Teaming
- Fundamentals of Human Resources
- Group Dynamics
- Introduction to Digital Electronics
- Key Factors in Human Resource Management
- Time Management
- Virtual Teaming
- Information Systems and Technology
- CompTia eBiz+ Certification course
- CompTia ITProject+ Certification course
- CompTia Net+ Certification course
- Manufacturing Operations
- Capacity Resource Planning
- Effective Warehouse Control
- Health and Safety
- Introduction to Six Sigma
- Inventory Control
- Just-inTime
- Lean Applications
- Master Planning
- Production and Operations Management
- Office Computing
- MS Office
- MS Excel
- MS Powerpoint
- Quality Management
- Innovation through CQI and Benchmarking
- Introduction to Quality Management
- Kaizen
- Kaizen Gemba
- Principles of Problem Solving
- Quality Systems - Baldrige
- Quality Systems - ISO
- Quality Function Deployment
- Statistical Process Control
- Web Technologies
- eCommerce + CIW Certification course
- Foundations, CIW Certification course
- Fundamentals of Internet Technologies + INet+ Certification course
- Introduction to Dreamweaver
- Introduction to HTML
- Introduction to Programming
- Photoshop Basics
- Site Designer - CIW Certification course