Web Site Domain Registration & Services:
We handle all of your domain registration needs
Do you really need to have your own domain name?
The one word answer is Yes! There are a number of reasons why having your own domain name is a must:
- When you have your own domain name, the address of your web site will be of the form http://www.mybusiness.com. When you put up your site on one of the free servers, the address of your web site will be something like http://www.somefreewebsite.com/~yoursite/. Which of these two sounds more professional?
- A big step in making money online is to build up credibility among your customers. Having your own domain name is the first step in doing that. Your customers will feel more comfortable buying from your company if you have your own domain name.
- When you have your domain name, you can have multiple email addresses like [email protected] or [email protected]. This is significantly more professional that [email protected]
- Many search engines give a lot of emphasis to the home page of a particular domain. For example, if your business is selling bracelets, having bracelets as part of your domain name will "get you points" with the search engines, helping your ranking.
- Some search engines and directories are now refusing to spider the web sites which are hosted by the free web hosts. There are apparently too many questionable sites hiding behind free hosting services.
How can we help?
We can help you select, register, and transfer a domain name. We can help you come up with an available domain name that is key to branding you and helping people find you on the Internet. If we register the domain name for you, you still own the domain name; we simply become the administrator and technical contact. Let BreakThrough Systems do the work for you. We manage this process completely, so that you can concentrate on your business.
What is the cost?
If you choose an annual hosting package with us, we will register and set up your domain for no extra charge.